Tahitian Noni Juice mengandung zat yang disebut PROXERONINE yang merupakan bahan baku dari alkaloid XERONINE. PROXERONINE dalam Tahitian Noni Juice diserap oleh tubuh dan diolah menjadi XERONINE dengan menggunakan enzim PROXERONINASE dan SEROTONIN yang ada di dalam tubuh. XERONINE merupakan alkaloid hidup yang akan diserap oleh sel-sel tubuh. XERONINE mengaktifkan kembali sel-sel yang mati sehingga proses respirasi dari sel kembali berjalan, nutrisi yang kita konsumsi akan diserap sempurna dan kotoran dari sel akan dikeluarkan dari tubuh sehingga sel-sel yang sakit akan disehatkan. Tahitian Noni Juice akan menyeimbangkan atau menormalkan kembali fungsi tubuh.
XERONINE* = SEROTONIN** + PROXERONASE** + PROXERONINE*** [*sangat dibutuhkan tubuh] [**sudah ada di dalam tubuh] [***dalam Tahitian Noni Juice]
[Patent No 4,543,212 held by Dr Ralph Heinicke]
Mengarah pada hasil penelitian Dr. Ralph Heinicke, Xeronine membantu untuk memperbesar pori-pori dinding sel tubuh manusia yang memungkinkan nutrisi dapat masuk kedalam tubuh dengan lebih baik, mengeluarkan racun dalam sel, membantu regenerasi sel lebih cepat dan lebih baik. Membaiknya kondisi sel tubuh secara keseluruhan memperbaiki kondisi organ tubuh & fungsi kekebalan/ perlawanan terhadap penyakit. Maka dari itu sering ditemukan penanganan menggunakan Tahitian Noni Juice menyebabkan berhentinya ketergantungan terhadap obat (kimia).
Obat-obatan secara medis juga dapat 'bekerja sama' dengan Tahitian Noni Juice dalam menangani penyakit. Dalam hal ini, Tahitian Noni Juice memperbaiki sel, mempersiapkan sel-sel yang sehat untuk menyerap nutrisi. Karena obat sebaiuk apapun tanpa sel yang sehat, maka takkan terserap, dan sia-sia.
Tahitian Noni Juice tidak menyebabkan ketergantungan walau dikonsumsi dalam jangka panjang. Karena fungsinya hanya memperbaiki sel. Setelah dirasa cukup sehat, maka konsumsi dapat dikurangi atau seperlunya saja.
Tahitian Noni Juice, sebagai International Product di puluhan negara, kami memiliki banyak pengakuan internasional, salah satunya adalah International Patent ( patent internasional ) dibeberapa negara :
Selectively inhibiting estrogen production and providing estrogenic effects in a human body | US Pat. 10808872 - Filed Mar 24, 2004 [ lihat disini ]
Methods and formulations for using Tahitian Noni juice for inhibiting naturally occurring phosphodiesterases (PDEs). The present invention relates to Tahitian Noni juice as a PDE inhibitor to increase body energy and reduce allergy and asthma reactions | US Pat. 10798730 - Filed Mar 11, 2004 [ lihat disini ]
A method for treating people with various ailments and diseases by administering an effective amount of processed Morinda citrifolia | US Pat. 10006014 - Filed Dec 4, 2001 [ lihat disini ]
Reducing cellular damage in the human body | US Pat. 9997588 - Filed Nov 29, 2001 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention relates to methods and formulations directed to the management of various Matrix Metalloproteinases enzymes comprising the administration of processed Morinda citrifolia based formulations | US Pat. 11564166 - Filed Nov 28, 2006 [ lihat disini ]
Methods and formulations that utilize components of the Indian Mulberry plant, scientifically known as Morinda citrifola L., to treat one or more oral and dental disorders, including periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis, tooth decay, halitosis, and other mouth disorders | US Pat. 11620878 - Filed Jan 8, 2007 [ lihat disini ]
Implementation of the present invention takes place in association with the utilization of one or more processed products produced from the Indian Mulberry plant, scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia L., to treat one or more eye disorders that affect vision, such as glaucoma, diabetic... | US Pat. 10285711 - Filed Nov 1, 2002 [ lihat disini ]
Both liquid and dry form Morinda citrifolia enhanced animal food products are provides. Both contain pasteurized fruit puree and other M. citifolia plant products. | US Pat. 11624571 - Filed Jan 18, 2007 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention advances prior art intensive repair serums by providing an intensive repair serum formulated with Morinda Citrifolia, or Noni, from the Indian Mulberry plant | US Pat. 9836869 - Filed Apr 17, 2001 [ lihat disini ]
Orals dosage Noni formulations | US Pat. 10345098 - Filed Jan 15, 2003 - [ lihat disini ]
Therapeutic juice composition for women | US Pat. 11602126 - Filed Nov 20, 2006 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention features methods and formulations or compositions, such as a naturaceutical formulation, for treating and preventing headaches, and particularly migraine headaches, as well as methods and formulations for treating the conditions and symptoms often associated with migraine... | US Pat. 10285287 - Filed Oct 31, 2002 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention is directed to methods of inhibiting Aromatase or Aromatase enzymes that function to convert androgens to estrogens, inhibiting receptors from binding with estrogen, and reducing and/or regulating estrogen production, as well as reducing the amount of estrogen produced... | US Pat. 11668035 - Filed Jan 29, 2007 [ lihat disini ]
Morinda Citrifolia Based Formulation And Methods For Weight Management | US Pat. 11561783 - Filed Nov 20, 2006 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention advances prior art animal food products by providing an animal food product formulated with Morinda Citrifolia, or Noni, from the Indian Mulberry plant. The addition of Noni to the animal food product of the present invention serves to provide significant health advantages... | US Pat. 6737089 - Filed Apr 17, 2001 - Morinda, Inc.[ lihat disini ]
Lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase inhibition | US Pat. 11682355 - Filed Mar 6, 2007 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention relates to methods and compositions which act as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist in living organisms. More particularly, the present invention relates to methods and compositions which act as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist using processed Morinda... | US Pat. 11438553 - Filed May 22, 2006 [ lihat disini ]
Morinda citrifolia-based formulations and methods for weight management | US Pat. 11216418 - Filed Aug 30, 2005 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention features a method for inhibiting, reducing, and/or preventing mutagenesis, or inducing antimutagenesis activity, through the prophylactic administration of a naturaceutical formulation comprising at least one of a processed Morinda citrifolia product. | US Pat. 10335653 - Filed Dec 31, 2002 [ lihat disini ]
Morinda citrifolia as a 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitor | US Pat. 11500728 - Filed Aug 8, 2006 [ lihat disini ]
A neutraceutical beverage comprising pericarp extract from the Garcinia mangostana L. (mangosteen) plant, and juice from mangosteen fruit pulp, preferably combined with juice from at least one of four other ingredients selected from red grapes, lycium, sea buckthorn, and apple, preferably... | US Pat. 10975243 - Filed Oct 27, 2004 - [ lihat disini ]
The present invention relates to methods and compositions for inhibiting Histone Deacetylase (“HDAC”) and/or Tumor Necrosis Factor Converting Enzyme (“TACE”) in living organisms. | US Pat. 11438547 - Filed May 22, 2006 [ lihat disini ]
The present invention features methods and formulations or compositions for the treatment of colon cancer, and particularly for the inhibition, prevention and/or reduction of cancerous cell growth, as well as the destruction of early stage cancerous cells within the colon region of a mammal,... | US Pat. 10285334 - Filed Oct 31, 2002 [ lihat disini ]
Morinda citrifolia enhanced colon cancer cell growth inhibitor | US Pat. 11343600 - Filed Jan 31, 2006 [ klik disini ]
Morinda Citrifolia Leaf Juice And Leaf Extract Based Formulations | US Pat. 11560407 - Filed Nov 16, 2006 | [ klik disini ]
The present invention advances prior art animal food products by providing an animal food product formulated with Garicinia mangostana L., or Mangosteen fruit, from the Mangosteen plant. The addition of Mangosteen to the animal food product of the present invention serves to provide significant... | US Pat. 7244463 - Filed Oct 18, 2005 - Tahitian Noni International, Inc. [ klik disini ]
Antiviral Morinda Citrifolia L. Based Formulations and Methods of Administration | US Pat. 11562224 - Filed Nov 21, 2006 [ klik disini ]
Formulations and Treatments for Well-Being | US Pat. 11793987 - Filed Dec 23, 2005 [ klik disini ]
Morinda citrifolla based antifungal formulations and methods | US Pat. 11091051 - Filed Mar 28, 2005 | [ klik disini ]
The present invention embraces methods for improved treatment of osteoarthritis by featuring a naturaceutical formulation or composition for treating osteoarthritis and its associated or related conditions. The present invention further features methods of treating osteoarthritis and its related... | US Pat. 10285359 - Filed Oct 31, 2002 [ klik disini ]
The present invention features a unique, natural formulation and method of administering the same to treat and prevent diabetes, or rather advances treatment of diabetes, by providing a naturaceutical composition or treatment formulated with one or more processed Morinda citrifolia products as... | US Pat. 10993883 - Filed Nov 19, 2004 [ klik disini ]
Method and formulation for treating Candidiasis using Morinda citrifolia | US Pat. 11339071 - Filed Jan 26, 2006 | [ klik disini ]
The present invention relates to antifungal and antibacterial activity of processed Morinda citrifolia products, as well as from various fractions of extracts from these processed products and the Morinda citrifolia L. plant, and related methods to determine mean inhibitory concentrations. In... | US Pat. 7048952 - Filed May 16, 2003 - Morinda, Inc. | [ klik disini ]
Type II diabetes | US Pat. 11014306 - Filed Dec 16, 2004 | [ klik disini ]
Morinda Citrifolia Based Antifungal Formulations and Methods | US Pat. 11740515 - Filed Apr 26, 2007 | [ klik disini ]
Formulation and Methods for Use of Morinda Citrifolia Seed Oil | US Pat. 11561987 - Filed Nov 21, 2006 | [ klik disini ]
Antifungal effects of Morinda citrifolia | US Pat. 11394675 - Filed Mar 31, 2006 | [ klik disini ]
Preventative effects of morinda citrifolia on mammary breast cancer | US Pat. 10639833 - Filed Aug 12, 2003 | [ klik disini ]
Anti-angiogenesis effects of morinda citrifolia | US Pat. 10286112 - Filed Nov 1, 2002 | [ klik disini ]
U.S. Patent 7264829 | US Pat. 7264829 - Filed Mar 8, 2004 - Tahitian Noni International, Inc. [ klik disini ]
Fertilizer Containing Yaeyama Aoki Extract | US Pat. 11557871 - Filed Nov 8, 2006 | [ klik disini ]
The present invention advances prior art techniques, formulations, and methods for treating mammary breast cancer during its initial phases, as well as for preventing mammary breast cancer, by providing a safe, nutraceutical formulation comprising Morinda citrifolia, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM),... | US Pat. 10937419 - Filed Sep 9, 2004 [ klik disini ]
This invention relates to a method and composition for providing in various health benefits by administering various bioactive compounds derived from the plant Morinda cirtrifolia to individuals. This invention relates to using one or more of the following: Noni Leaf Extract; Noni Leaf Juice;... | [ klik disini ]
The present invention relates to the inhibition of xanthine oxidase. In particular, the present invention relates to systems and methods for utilizing Morinda citrifolia L. based compositions and methods to inhibit xanthine oxidase activity. | US Pat. 11257681 - Filed Oct 25, 2005 [ klik disini ]
Noni juice and a protein-free, alcohol precipitate of Noni juice inhibited angiogenesis in in vitro human angiogenesis models. When growth medium contained Noni juice at least over the range from about 2.5% to about 33% (by volume), angiogenesis was blocked. Moreover, Noni juice and an ethanol... | US Pat. 10488176 - Filed Aug 16, 2004 [ klik disini ]
The present invention provides a lip treatment formulated with Morinda citrifolia juice or oil. The Morinda citrifolia lip treatment of the present invention serves to provide significant health and lip care advantages. | US Pat. 9839433 - Filed Apr 20, 2001 [ klik disini ]
The present invention features a formulation from the Indian mulberry plant (Morinda citrifolia ) comprising Morinda citrifolia fruit juice, Morinda citrifolia oil, quercetin, Morinda citrifolia puree juice and Morinda citrifolia dietary fiber treating Candidiasis. | US Pat. 7442395 - Filed Jan 26, 2006 - Tahitian Noni International, Inc. [ klik disini ]
Prof. Dr. RHH. Nelwan. Penggunaan bahan dari tanaman noni asal Tahiti, yang diproses antara lain Morinda Citrifolia dalam kemasan, telah menerima hak paten dari pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk digunakan pada infeksi candidiasis dalam berbagai bentuk manifestasinya. Morinda Citrifolia mampu menunjang pencegahan dan pengobatan berbagai jenis infeksi sebagai terapi komplimenter. Atas penemuan berharga yang dapat membantu penggunaannya untuk menerima manfaat kesehatan itu, sebuah langkah tepat bagi Tahitian Noni International untuk mematenkannya tersebut.
Professor of Tropical and Infectious Diseases Department of Internal Medicine University of Indonesia.
Saya memiliki cerita, seputar pengalaman memerangi Leukemia yang saya derita sejak 2005 silam. Doa saya selama 3 tahun yang mengharapkan agar Tuhan YME, menyembuhkan penyakit Leukimia, akhirnya terjawab. Tahitian Noni Juice menjadi perpanjangan tangan Tuhan dalam menyambuhkan penyakit saya. Ceritanya berawal pada bulan Agustus 2005. Saya merasa heran terhadap penyusutan berat badan saya. Lemas dan kurang nafsu makan menjadi pelengkap penderitaan saya. Anehnya saya tidak merasakan sakit di tubuh maupun organ dalam saya.
Merasa aneh, saya memeriksakan darah saya ke sebuah laboratorium, pada 6 September 2005. Sore hari saya mengambil hasil laboratorium tes darah saya. Betapa kagetnya saat saya membaca bahwa Leukosit saya berada di angka 22.222, yang seharusnya normalnya berada dikisaran 4.000 - 10.000. saat itu menjadi momentum terberat bagi saya. Saya memutuskan untuk berobet secara medis. Menurut Dokter penyakit saya bisa disembuhkan, dengan catatan meminum obat setiap hari seumur hidup. Bayangkan saya harus minum obat yang sebutirnya berharga Rp 250.000,- dan saya harus meminumnya sehari 4 kali.
Suatu hari saat diadakan reuni jemaat pasca kepergian ke Israel, ada seorang jemaat yang menilai bahwa wajah saya semakin pucat dan badan terlihat kurus. Akhirnya saya ceritakan mengenai penyakit saya. Kemudian ia memberikan sebotol Tahitian Noni Juice untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan saya. Dengan dosis 1 x 30cc sehari dan dibarengi dengan konsumsi obat medis, saya merasakan perubahan dalam tubuh saya. Hasil laboratorium saya kembali normal dan membaik.
Stamina prima, dan nafsu makan meningkat, Saya yakin bahwa Tahitian Noni Juice benar-benar perpanjangan Tangan Tuhan dalam kesembuhan saya. Saya sarankan Tahitian Noni Juice